Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Aaron Reynolds (Ep. 83)

Aaron Reynolds (@areynoldsbooks), author of Here Comes Destructosaurus! (@ChronicleKids), Creepy Carrots, Carnivores, and many others, stops by to talk about starting out on the stage, parenting as a monster, the Caldecott experience as an author, and loving the trying and the growth involved in trying to write children's books.

Episode Notes
Aaron Reynolds' homepage
Purchase Here Comes Destructosaurus! from your local independent bookstore

1 comment:

  1. OH, I enjoyed this so much! And Aaron, I'm thinking we're of the same generation---no "direction" or given no real insight as to what kind of jobs there are out in the world beyond high school. I was nodding my head through the whole conversation. I also want to thank you for your words on your long, winding and rejection-filled road. I'm still persevering, but man, does it get hard.I LOVE your work, btw. Thank you both for a great podcast :D
