Monday, August 4, 2014

Wild Things! (Ep. 69) with Betsy Bird and Julie Danielson

Betsy Bird (@FuseEight) and Julie Danielson (@SevenImp), authors of Wild Things: Acts of Mischief in Children's Literature (@Candlewick), stop by to talk about subversion in children's literature, the late Peter D. Sieruta's irreplaceable contributions to the field, some memorable highlights from the cutting room floor.
Download for FREE on iTunes, using the Stitcher mobile app, or at LibSyn.

Episode Notes
Wild Things! homepage and deleted scenes
A Fuse #8 Production (Betsy Bird)
Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast (Julie Danielson)
Collecting Children's Books (Peter D. Sieruta)
Charlie Sheen Lands Book Deal (April Fool's Day 2011 post)
Graveyard Book to be Stripped of Newbery? (April Fool's Day 2009 post)
Purchase Wild Things! from your local independent bookstore

1 comment:

  1. Ladies, having only discovered you online about a year ago, I was familiar with some of what you do, but not all. This was SUCH a delight listening to (as are all of Matthew's podcasts) and I'm SO happy to have learned so much more. It was funny how, when I kept hearing the name "Betsy Bird" I hadn't remembered/related it to the one event I was able to attend at the NYPL a few years back (“From the Page to the Screen…Television Screen, That Is”, presented by The Children’s Literary CafĂ©). Loved that and love the work you both do! Fantastic! Thank you so much :)
